32 free basic and important Twitter tools in 2018

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Today there are so many free tools for Twitter that often we can not tell which ones are really going to help us strengthen our marketing strategy.

If you are a community manager you will know that one Buy Youtube Views of your tasks is to be up to date with all the news and new tools to manage the social networks that are appearing.

And, there are many reasons why we are looking for basic and essential tools for Twitter, but I will summarize them in the following:

  • Analytics of our account.
  • Analytics of the competition.
  • Identify influencers on Twitter.
  • Better management of our account.
  • Improve the efficiency of our publications.
  • How to increase the number of followers on Twitter .

For this reason I have decided to create a list where you can find the most basic and essential free Twitter tools for this year 2018 .

Note: Virtually all the tools for Twitter that we will see are free, but we will also see some that are paid so you can see more features.

One of the best tools to manage and program your Tweets, and you can use up to 5 social profiles for free.

In addition, Hootsuite has other functions of analytics and monitoring as it allows you to analyze the mentions of other accounts on Twitter and find professionals or good influencers that can be interesting to attract to our brand.

The good thing that it has a buffer is that we can configure our favorite list of publication times, this way every time we add a new publication we do not have to add the time of the same and it will be automatically added to the queue.

In the case of Twitter, you can also access the statistics of the mentions and retweets that you have obtained with your publications.

In addition, the paid version allows you to access new features such as:

  • Manage more accounts
  • See the publication calendar.
  • Access to your statistics
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