Emotional intelligence: How to apply it to your business culture

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Everything that has to do with rationality has always been overestimated: decision-making, the supposed intelligence .. buy youtube views . But during the last decades, advances in cognitive psychology have brought out the importance of emotion management not only for the balance between yourself and your closest circle, but also as a measure of people’s success.

This phenomenon, known with the concept of Emotional Intelligence(Daniel Goleman, 1995), has not gone unnoticed by the business world. Many companies work every day to incorporate their benefits into their business culture .

It is time to give the importance it deserves to emotions and its management. We start!

What is emotional intelligence?

The concept of Emotional Intelligence emerges from the new direction that psychology has taken along these last decades. For many years now, psychological tendencies have extolled reason as an unequivocal method for decision-making and the categorization of one’s intelligence.

However, in recent years there has been a great paradigm shift. They begin to understand emotions as something intrinsic to the human being at the same time that methods are proposed to break with the overvaluation of classical intelligence (rational, logical and analytical).

But what do we mean when we talk about Emotional Intelligence ? It’s about understanding your emotions and empathizing with those of others; to have the ability to manage emotions both internally and externally.

In fact, more than just one, Emotional Intelligence is based on a set of skills : enthusiasm, self-motivation, capacity for empathy, control of impulses and confidence in people.

It has been discovered that feelings and emotions play a fundamental role in our ability to make decisions. And what is it that can bring us to our business culture ? We see it right away!


Advantages of including emotional intelligence in your business culture

Companies have found in Emotional Intelligence a very good tool to understand the productivity of people , the keys to success and even the characteristics for good leadership.

Let’s see what are the advantages of working the business culture taking into account emotional management:

  • Improves the coordination and efficiency of the work . Good internal management is almost always synonymous with good performance. Empathize with the emotions and feelings of others can help understand their actions, concerns and motivations, which will have a very good impact on coordination. This will generate motivation and good vibes within the team and will be reflected in the results.
  • Improving the work environment . Fostering a good work environment is essential to obtain good results. That the people who feel heard and above all understood is the first step to create a happy company . It is essential to observe, listen and understand others in order to connect with them in a more real and meaningful way.
  • Team building . Building a job goes beyond the walls of the office. Listening is fundamental for the team to understand, yes, but generating a link between the team is something that goes much further. To know, to understand each other, to create friendships, to share, to laugh. Because a team that goes to one is the basis of all business activity.
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  • Decision-making . As we have already seen, emotions and feelings play a fundamental role in our ability to make decisions. In fact, even the sensations that we have in the stomach can be key: the visceral movements give us more or less security to choose or reject certain answers. Never underestimate the power of the stomach!
  • Improves conflict management and crisis management . Sometimes, dealing with stress can be complicated. One of the key skills of Emotional Intelligence is self-control. Learning to cut the negative thoughts to work towards the goals and objectives is essential to control the emotions that prevent us from working. On the other hand, through active listening we can know the internal opinions of the company and avoid conflicts remain unresolved, always taking into account that the way in which issues are discussed is essential for the resolution of them .


4 Techniques to develop emotional intelligence in your business culture

While it is true that some people have more capacity than others to channel and manage emotions, these types of skills can be learned over the years through certain techniques. Let’s see what they are!

1) Detect the emotions behind the acts

To educate ourselves in Emotional Intelligence it is essential to know how to detect the emotions that motivate our actions and those of others . For this, it is very necessary to detail as much as possible each emotion we perceive. It is not enough to say “I am sad”, but we must deepen to the maximum: “Today I had a bad day and I am very negative with myself. I feel that I do not have time to finish my tasks and all this has led me to act in this way. ” It is necessary to adapt a specific emotional vocabulary in order to accurately capture the nuances of each feeling. All this can help us to be more empathetic with the people around us, as well as feel much closer.

2) Pay close attention to body language

The body language is a key factor in determining the emotions of each person. As its name suggests, it is a language from which we can extract a lot of information, more than we think! Learning to relate body movements to emotions will help us to know them recognize, interpret and work.

3) Observe, listen and ask

Less suppose and more ask: the magic formula. Pay attention to the actions and reactions of the team , know what emotion has motivated and understand why certain acts can be achieved through active listening. And not only towards others … it also works in an introspective way. Understanding oneself, the team and the environment are the three basic pillars that we must always keep in mind.

4) Importance of feedback

The feedback is essential to go ahead with the projects tool . A good job of Emotional Intelligence can enrich much more information that we can get. It is very necessary to take care of the way things are said, always starting from constructivity and assertiveness. The motivation, energy and confidence of the team will never be attacked.

We are aware that there are many exchanges of opinions within a team. But we know that Emotional Intelligence can help us immensely to take advantage of each person’s mind: their ideas, their proposals and their creative process without damaging their motivation and enthusiasm.

The door to emotional education is always open. Adapting to a modern, critical and demanding world of tolerance, diversity and professionalism is possible.

And you, do you work your Emotional Intelligence ?

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