How do i import subscribers

Latest Mailing Database is the biggest database provider company. Latest Mailing Database always provides Accurate and fresh data. We will provide you with 100% accurate valid data. Our all list is double opt-in and permission basis.

Latest Mailing database also will help you to build your targeted contact list from any targeted country, person, industry, city. Buy data from us is secure & guaranteed quality list. Also, have ready data that you can purchase & you can use it for your campaigns. Also, you will get help from us if you need any consultation for email marketing campaigns.  

This is a common question and even though the answer is very very simple, for a reason or another, seems that many people get confused on how they can achieve this, so i will illustrate this, step by step with images.

Step 1: Login as a customer into your application and go to your lists:

Step 2: Click on your list title or on the Info icon for your list

(see highlighted section on Step 1)

to see the list overview page from which you will click on the Tools box :



Step 3: Click on the Import box:


Step 4: Choose one of the import options depending on the file you need to upload:


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