Make your Content Marketing plan

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1. Business Goals

Now that it’s hot, too many companies are creating content just to be able to check that box in their marketing tactics chart. “We’re going to do content marketing” is replacing “let’s do social media” and “let’s try to go viral” as the most commonly heard – but totally rudderless – corporate mandate.

Content can serve different purposes within a company, and the best content marketing programs define the content’s role in advance, not after the fact.

2. Strategy

What is this specific objective of this particular execution of the content? For what audience is it intended? At what stage of the purchase funnel? What is the key question or need that this content fulfills? How do we know that this need exists (social listening, keyword analysis of search engines, customer comments, etc.).

3. Production

What form should this content have in an optimal way, recognizing that in many cases there is no right and wrong way to make content, just one way that is more correct depending on your audience and your information consumption preferences. This is where you get to find out what you are doing, who is doing it, and when.


4. Atomization

Too often, happy sellers try to reinvent the wheel instead of just chumming more bodies of water with a contained tentpole that they already own. This is the atomization of content – take a great idea and make many executions of smaller content of it. My favorite example is that of   

5. Amplification

You must market your marketing. The notion that you can simply create interesting content and people will magically find it a lie. If you build it, they will not necessarily come. You have to treat your content executions as a product and launch them in the same way as a product.

6. Measurement

The content is not cheap. It is simply different expensive. The time required (and in some cases, production costs) can be significant. Someday, someone in your company is going to ask “Hey, does all that content really make us money?” The best content programs are the ones that are measured, because the collected data can be used to optimize the content next time.



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