Where find my phone number listed on iPhone 6

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Where find my phone number listed on iPhone 6, it is a get-at-able way to find out the phone number. Therefore, the Latest Mailing Database website can give you the perfect answer for learning about it. In that case, you need first attention and visit our latestdatabase.com website. There, we have a lot of professional experts and work hard work for the website’s reputation. Here, our experts give you a reply to your questions about where to find my Sri Lanka phone number listed on iPhone 6. There are many ways to find the phone number but our experts say the easy way. Now, let’s see about the learning process below:

Firstly, maybe you have iPhone 6; there if you have iPhone 6 then open the phone. Then open the Settings app and tap on “phone”. Next, go under “My Number”, where your phone number will be displayed.

Hence, there has another easy way to find the phone number listed on iPhone 6.

Step 1 is that goes to the home screen on your iPhone and see the phone app “Contacts”. If this contact app is not available on your home screen then swipe left to access the App Library.

How to find my phone number listed on iPhone 6

Then, go to setting then see the list where “Phone” indicates.

Now, tap “My Card” to view your number. Your numbers appear at the top of the screen.

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Where find my phone number listed on iPhone 6

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