The 10 Most Wanted Blogs in Google Spain and the 20 Most Visited Blogs

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Do you want to know which are the most sought after by users in Google Spain?

I wanted to make a compilation of the most searched blogs in Google Spain, to see which are the blogs that by their brand name constitute most searched and frequent keywords, this does not mean that they are the blogs that have more traffic, of course not , only those Buy YouTube Comments blogs whose brand name has become so well-known that they have been established as keywords in thousands of searches.

If I analyze the brand of my blog is still far from the thousands of searches, but everything will walk.

In the list of blogs most searched for by your brand name you will find blogs of models, actors, presenters, discounts and photography.

Then I’ll tell you about 20 blogs that have millions of visits from different topics: psychology, education, business, marketing, trends, sports, etc.

It is not surprising that we all look for bargains and offers on the Internet to buy products at lower prices, and that leads to this blog to have a keyword “blog of bargains” with more than 18,000 searches per month.

Perhaps the blog of chollos we could suppose that it is not a blog to use because the information to publish is not to teach knowledge but what you are looking for is a conversion and a sale in the products that you are announcing.

The blog of Paula Echevarría or also known as “Tras la pista de Paula” when with more than 15,000 monthly searches with the keyword “blog paula echevarria”.

It is clear that she is one of the fashion actresses in the Spanish scene and that has also led her to place her blog as the most wanted in Spain.

In the blog you will find striking and different looks that you can wear each season.

The blog of Sara Carbonero is searched 13,000 times a month in Spain Google search for the keyword “blog Sara Carbonero”.

Sara Carbonero publishes content related to social networks, trends, latest books she has read and recommend, etc.

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