Tired of plagiarizing the content of your Blog?

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Tired of plagiarizing the content of your Blog?

As I always tell my students, this is an evil that often appears more frequently when our website or blog starts to generate traffic austria consumer email database , but do not worry, we are many. into other blogs that literally plagiarized articles of our Blog.

In this post I invite you to report in the comments of this type of action.

Zero Tolerance against content plagiarists #Blog #CommunityManager
Until now, I have been able to solve it and I have managed to solve it. my blog, yes Sir, I have not been able to make a copy of my articles, and the impudence have reached the website of my server, something that is completely illegal because you are using a foreign server, as well as it is unethical and moral.

After several weeks of sending messages through all social profiles, and emails, did not attend my request for the content plagiarized from my blog, then at that time I thought, that I upload images of toilets has plagiarized my content, or directly denounce it to Google, after pondering it a lot in the end I have to say that I was tempted to upload any image of that type.

techno report post plagiarized

If you look at the image, the portal has advertising ads, that is, plagiarizing the content of other blogs in order to get money. How about?

How to detect the plagiarized content?
There are many tools to detect duplicate or plagiarized content on other pages, but these are the ones I use most normally.

Copyscape. One of the most reliable and effective, I personally use it the most.

Duplichecker You can use a fragment of the content, with a maximum of 1000 words, and it will tell you if it finds similar content in other web pages.

Plagiarism With this tool you can detect duplicate content from a piece of text or a URL. It makes a difference to find similar or identical phrases in other web pages or blogs.

Plagium. A very professional tool with which we can detect content plagiarism through and we can perform a quick analysis or a deep one. It also gives you the opportunity to filter the content on websites or blogs, and on social networks.

Similar Page Checker. If you have suspicions like me blog or website has plagiarized content, then this tool will be great for you, since you can compare the plausibility of your website with the suspect, and realize the level of plagiarism.

Austria Consumer Email Database

How to know who shares your photos

It is also important that we monitor all people who share our infographics with a link to our page. Ideally, everyone should apply correct behavior, but that is not the case, and that is why we have to monitor the misuse of our content and, above all, avoid spam.

To this end we will use the Image Raider tool, since it will allow us to detect how many times we have shared one of our infographics.

How do we use Image Raider?

The operation of the tool is very simple, just enter the URL or our infographic and attach it from our computer and click on analyze.

As a result you will see an image very similar to this one;

infographics links

It is important that we do not forget the old infographics, and analyze them again that they have published an infographic that has been published. curiously I do not have quoted, it is for that reason that it is decided to contact them with a link.

The response has been super fast, in less than 24 hours they have apologized and have a link “dofollow” to the original post where the infographic appears. With this I want to show you that this system works like a charm.

What do we do when we detect content plagiarized or extracted from our Blog?
Well we have already detected it, and now what we do. This is the least pleasant part and that sometimes takes a time that we do not have.

Steps to follow:

Step 1. The first step is to communicate with the webmaster or blogger to remove the content of your web page,

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