WhatsApp is undoubtedly one of the favorite apps to communicate with our friends and family, as well as to establish communication mechanisms with our customers.
Since 2015 we can log in to WhatsApp Web, and with it access this app from any computer or computer, either PC or Mac.
Whatsapp web is a free online application UK Business Email List to enjoy your favorite communication app, with which you can send messages to your friends and family, and from any computer or computer.
The application is fully compatible with PC and Mac. There is another way to use WhatsApp on your computer, which is to download WhatsApp Web and install it on your computer:
It is not required to log into WhatsApp Web, just by reading the QR code your account will be synchronized and you will be able to start using it, just like that. Avoid spending hours writing conversations thanks to the web application, which in long conversations can take a big time reduction.
We all know how bad it can be for our backs and cervicals to spend hours watching your mobile, so avoid it and talk from WhatsApp from your PC or Mac.
Once you have activated the QR code from your computer you will be able to use the application without having to carry your mobile phone.
WhatsApp Web has a little trick that allows you to read the messages without your double blue tick appearing to your contact.
You can only use it to see the last message sent by a contact or in a group, and for that you only have the scroll bar to see the latest messages, but without actually clicking on any conversation.
Of course, remember that users will see that you are online and that you are not answering.
If you have two phones with 2 different numbers, you can use both numbers of WhatsApp Web, but only if you use the browser in incognito mode, it’s that simple.
If you create a group and you are the administrator of this, you can send all kinds of files that you can easily download to your computer; pdf, doc, videos, etc.
You already know that sending and receiving audios on whatsapp are the order of the day, because with the following trick you can increase the volume and increase the playback speed of that audio.